Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What legacy?

So we always have a feeling that we need to achieve something that we forget to take a break or to just take care of ourselves.

Having been going through weeks of relapses and treatment and tests and decided to get rid of almost all my earthly positions life just opens up to a reality of what it is about. I always had questions why "Oom Cor"  did what he did.  He had the vision to see beyond his pain and his heartache and made the choice to live a life.

He lived a life where he leaves a legacy behind, not a legacy of wealth and riches but a legacy of embracing people and touching people's hearts. I have this feeling that most people are hoping for a legacy of wealth. I hope that as the world did not come to a end that we as people will be thinking about the legacy we will be leaving behind.

As I am sitting on a patio and watching how the African summer rain falls from the sky and how the water naturally cleans everything in its way.  I realise that I also needed to get myself cleaned. As the summer rains cleaning is a process so do I need to follow a process.

Reading the book" It's your time" by Joel Osteen I have learned and am learning as I go along.  A Quote by the author is:

"Enjoy the journey.  There will always be another dream, another goal, another challenge. "

Let us all just build a legacy of love and caring!