Sunday, February 11, 2024


 Good evening all.

So for years I have learned to prepare for the expected and unexpected in everyday life in my Journey. 

So the past weeks I have been preparing again to go for my six monthly drips.. and then there was a glimmer of hope that I could go on the new and greatest medicine, but like all ofer world medical aids has a different time line. But I am fine with this as I know my time will come when it is the right time.

But I have learned again that I would rather focus on my blessings be thankful for the great stuff happening around me. 

Over the past weeks been some fun MS battles from being bed ridden for 4 weeks and a week in hospital. But as I have learned my body needed it.

But in the bigger picture life is great and a blessing. 

Have also had some fun and created MS awareness as below.

And these days are the days that take us forward.

Let us look forward and Keep S’Myelin