Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Bus

Watching an Episode of House on Universal channel, the end said get off the bus as he was in a coma. When asked why he is on this bus the answer was “I feel no pain. I am not miserable, Wilson does not hate me.”

Is this not some times the bus our PWMS (People With MS) want, just to not feel the pain constantly, to actually feel our hands and not have numbness, can walk without thinking where to put your foot next, just to not have people around you hurting because you’re miserable,.... but then somehow there is a reason for us to be like we are. It is also true that there are people that are worse off than us then we realise we must just carry on and make the best of the situation.

So this Bus we are on is sad, as you realise that there are things that you will not experience or not want to experience due to your pain, not being able to do things with the ones you love.... But this Bus makes us see the pain other people experience and wish we could help them. So my best friend flies hours to go see his kids and they almost ignore him. What is worse my Bus or the Bus of my Friend...I do feel that my bus might be better.

So our lives are all a bus trip and we need to enjoy the scenery and the trip as we not sure how the next bus trip might be. I believe our bus trip should always be enjoyable... we are always the driver of this bus trip we need to take it where it must go. The joy, the pain, the lessons is the fuel for the bus. It fills the bus and also changes the direction that it takes.

So let us all enjoy our individual bus trips but most important make it pleasurable for the people that join us on our bus trip.

So life is a Trip.

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