Monday, August 13, 2012

In the Blink of an Eye

In the Blink of an Eye

In the blink of an eye our life chances with the loss of loved ones, with a terminal illness, a moment of anger and so we can continue. With most of these moments we can't change the out come of the event. But what we can do is the is to better utilise the time after the event.

As we are we normally spend the time going through the event over and over and over.....

We spend time thinking what we could have done differently, spending time blaming other people, blaming ourselves. We run all possible situations through our minds and role playing what should have happened. All of these times that we think and rerun the past we lose focus on the now and the future.

We miss out on so much due to our own behaviour and our own choice that we then start that cycle again of running through those blink of an Eye moments.

Then there is that moment, could be anywhere, for me it was a show at the Barnyard when I realised that 15 years had past in a blink of an Eye.

So don't let a Blink of the eye moment ,that we can't control, make you realize the time wasted in a Blink of a Eye.

Enjoy and embrace every moment!

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